Marchesi developed over the years an sensible approach toward environmental issues, and for this reason it follows a Corporate Policy aimed at developing a true environmental management system. This "vision" allowed the company to optimize its production process from an energy saving point of view and to respect the environmental resources.
The company was equipped with the following plants:
- 1600 l/h mechanical auto-cleaning filtering system to recyle the water originating from the sifting line
- A concentrator for the treatment of emulsified oils used in the CNC center department and for the release agent used during the pressure die-casting process
- Cooling tower for recycling processing water
- Led lighting installation (finanziato dal Fondo FESR 2014 – 2020)
The Company has also entered into agreements with major clients to recover and reuse packagings used for the shipment of goods.
In 2018 the Company achieved ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 Certification.